
Showing posts with the label Business success

The Ultimate Motivational Picture Quotes Compilation Volume #3

Quotes can inspire us to achieve goals, stay focused, improve our mood, remind us why we started a new venture/tried something new, and spark inspiration and innovation in our lives. There are so many creative people and ideas out there. Hopefully, these picture quotes will inspire you to be your best self, follow your dreams, bring you renewed inspiration, and keep you moving forward. "How I found happiness- Live, love, laugh, sing, take risks, travel, and try everything." Natalie Dupont Johnson - Tons of Random Motivational Picture Quotes We Hope That You Enjoy - Gym & Fitness Motivation Collection - - FRIDAY MOTIVATION -

Professionalism: Staying Calm Cool and Collected

There are undoubtedly going to be times in your business/career, where it will be difficult to stay calm, but try to remember that cooler heads prevail. Never lose your cool with a customer/client. Always try to maintain your composure, no matter what the customer/client does. When you do that, it shows that you can keep your composure in tense moments, and it builds their confidence in you.  When we are upset, we are unbalanced and unreasonable. Try to move beyond being upset as soon as possible, and never make big decisions when your emotions are doing the decision making.  My first sales manager and mentor, who I still consider to be in the top 5 best sales professionals/closers I've ever known, taught me the following strategy that I am about to share with you. I thought this was great advice back in 2003 when I first learned it, and I still practice it to this very day. The strategy is called the 3 C's of Professionalism.  Derron, or "Big D", a...